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Acne Treatment

Everyone, especially the women, would want to have skin that is clean and smooth. But what happens if suddenly arise acne on the face? Definitely would not feel inferior ... Acne can occur due to dust or dirt on oily skin and so forth.

Although now many OTC products to treat acne, can not necessarily be maximally eliminate acne, in addition, require a sizable fee and may be able to cause side effects.

Well, for those of you who may have problems with acne, there is no harm in trying to use traditional treatments with natural ingredients, which is certainly easy, cheap, no side effects, and if done regularly will be very efficacious.  


1. Take a sprig of aloe vera leaves, wash thoroughly and peel the skin, wash your face or your face with warm water, then rub the inside or aloe vera leaves the skin that has been dumped into the facial acne. Allow a few minutes, then wash your face again with warm water. Try to do every night before bed.

2. Take 1 egg and discard the yolk, then take hevermouth to taste, mix the ingredients before so it becomes thick, then apply to face or parts that have acne, then gently massage your face for approximately 15 minutes, after that wash your face you with warm water. Try to do a routine before bedtime.

3. Take 1 cob corn, remove the skin, wash thoroughly, then grate, grater then apply it evenly to the face or parts that have acne, leave it overnight, in the morning wash your face with warm water. Try to do regularly every day at bedtime.

If you are not strong reactions from the treatment, stop.

Tips For Fragrant the Vagina

The vagina is the most precious treasure for every woman. Not a few women, especially mothers who have a problem with odor in the vagina, which is willing to spend a lot of costs just to make fragrant pussy. They did it all just for the sake of fun and happiness for her husband, because they will feel less confident, if her vagina smells.

The woman's vagina may still be carried out despite the smell of the most advanced treatments, if not pay attention to your diet and what you eat.

Well, there is a natural or traditional treatment that is no less efficacious than modern medicine. In addition, the natural or traditional treatments, determined to be safe, there will be no side effects at all, is healthy.

1. Take 1 handful basil (Ocimum foliis), mash until smooth and then squeeze the water, mix with 1 tablespoon of honey and add a pinch of salt, stir and drink. Try to drink 2x a day. Guaranteed in less than 1 month, you will be free of vaginal odor.

2. Take 10 pieces of betel leaf (Betel folii) are large and have yellow, wash thoroughly, then boil until the boil with 2 cups of water, simmer until roughly into a glass, then remove and let cool, then drink 2x a day.

That was a few simple tips, cheap, but nutritious that can be done at home every day. May be useful.

Flu Treatment

Flu or Influenza is a kind of infectious disease. Mode of transmission of this disease through the human respiratory equipment.

- Fever.
- Headache.
- Bone joints ache.
- Breath is hot.
- Itchy nose and frequent sneezing.
- Often the snot.

- Try to drink lots of water, especially warm water and lemon juice, at least 10 glasses a day.
- Take 1 tablespoon black cumin, finely milled, wrap with a clean handkerchief, after it is inhaled through the nose, several times a day.
- Take 10 clover leaves, wash and then milled until smooth, add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 cup of warm water, mix all ingredients above, mix well, squeeze and strain, drink 3 times a day.
- Take 1 tablespoon lemon juice, add a little whiting, stir and drink, 3x a day
* 1 Take the pineapple and remove the skin, milled into powder, squeeze the water.
   2 Take 4 cloves and cinnamon piece, both mashed until smooth
   3 Take a little palm sugar.
   4 Combine all the ingredients, stirring until smooth, then squeeze and strain the water, drink 2x a day.
- Take 1 piece of lemon and cut into sections, take 2 stalks lemongrass and 2 segment ginger (ginger and finely ground), put all the ingredients into a 2 liter of water, boiled until boiling, after boiling, inhale fumes and after cold drink water, 2x a day.

May be useful.

Malaria Treatment

Malaria is caused by protozoan malaria nesting in red blood cells, the intermediary is Anoples mosquitoes.

The symptoms:
- Body feels weak, heavy head and dizziness, lack of appetite.
- High fever.
- Often feel nauseous and want to vomit.
- Front became pale
- The spleen became swollen and hurt when massaged.

- Lay the patient with a blanket and a thick blanket / fabric heat chills when the attack started coming.
- Compress the head with a mixture of cold water given dadap srep mill leaves, fennel and pulosari.
- Try to keep the patient every day can obtain vegetables (spinach leaves, cassava leaves, leaf kelintang, potroseli) and fruits were ripe old cult (papaya, citrus, cashew, pineapple).
- If the patient feels pain spleen, compress with hot water that is introduced into the bottle.
- Keep the patient is often a shower / bath with hot / warm water.

Care and treatment can be done at home:
- Take ½ handheld leaf sembilata / bitter, wash thoroughly and boiled in 3 cups of water, boiled until approximately to 1 cup, and lift, strain and cool, when cool mix with 2 tablespoons of honey, stir, and drink 3 times a day.

- Take approximately half a teaspoon of powdered seeds of mahogany, put in 1 cup of hot water and add 1 tablespoon of honey, stirring until smooth, drink 3 times a day.

- Take papaya leaves, wash and then mashed until smooth, pour 1 cup of cooking water, squeeze and strain, then add a little salt, stir until smooth and drink 3 times a day.

May be useful.

Diphtheria and Treatment

Diphtheria in general on the mucous membranes in the throat, vocal chords and the nasal cavity. The cause is diphtheria bacilli that looks like a match. Basil is a lot of removing toxins that can damage the body, especially the heart.

Mode of transmission can be by air / breathing caused by the cough of the patient. The incubation period is approximately 1-7 days.


- Body feels weak and lack of appetite.
- Body temperature rises accompanied by vomiting.
- Pain in the throat, especially when swallowing food.
- The voice becomes hoarse.
- Pharynx reddish, webbed tongue, tonsils swollen and covered by a layer of yellowish white.


- Try to drink as much as possible
- Take pineapple, squeeze and drink.
- Eat as many fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, pumpkin, cabbage, papaya, mango, orange, guava etc.
- Take 2 ripe noni fruit, wash and then grate, squeeze and strain the water, use water to rinse after the swallow. 2x a day.
- Take 2 pieces of lemon, squeeze and take the water, pour 1/2 cup warm water, add a little salt, gargle and swallow. 2x a day.
- Take betel nuts, mashed until smooth, pour 1 cup boiling water, after a cold used to gargle constantly swallow, 2x a day.

May be useful.

Diabetic and Treatment

The way to treat diabetes is not very difficult, because just use petai china very easy to get it. China petai smaller and more compressed than usual banana made ​​vegetable.

1. Take a few tree stems directly from china petai old and dry, peel the skin and take the contents.

2. Fry without the chinese petai seed oil, then mash up like coffee grounds.

3. Pour a glass of warm water with 1 teaspoon of the powder china petai, stir, and drink along with the waste.

If done regularly every night before bed, we can be sure that question will be free from diabetic positive.
Do not forget to exercise every day.

May be useful.

How To Treat a Fever

When a person has a fever, the body temperature will rise above the normal temperature. The treatment can be done with traditional perwatan, besides efficacious is healthy, and without any side effects.  

- Take 1 sheet of papaya leaves, wash thoroughly, mash until smooth, squeeze and strain the water, add 1 cup of hot water, mix well, when cool, drink. Do it in the morning and afternoon.

- Take a few stems of reeds grass roots, wash them clean, boiled up with 2 cups boiling water, remove and let cool, drink. Do it in the morning and afternoon.

May be useful.

Impotent and Treatment

Impotence or impotency is experienced by a person must be very disturbing harmonious relations within the household. If it is allowed, can be fatal.

Although today is much stronger counter drugs, but however the name is definitely a drug side effect, sooner or later.

Therefore, traditional treatments is an appropriate way to resolve the issue. In addition to safe and efficacious, if done regularly, can certainly impotence will disappear by itself, even even cause new virility. Although the process is not instant and needs, but the traditional way is very powerful and healthy.


1 Take 100 grams of ginger, peeled, washed, grated, squeeze the water.
2 Take 1 piece rather large lime, wash, split into 2 sections, squeeze the water.
3 Take 3 pieces of galangal, washed, mash until smooth.
4 Take 7 chicken eggs, crumble and whipped until fluffy.
5. Take 1 tablespoon of soy sauce.
6 Take 1 tablespoon of honey.
7 Mix all ingredients, mix well, drink in the morning on waking and before sleep.
The precipitate remaining 8 should not be discarded, pour with a little warm water, apply to the whole penis, after penis feels warm, gently wash the penis, and the penis ready for intercourse.


1 Take 2 pieces of lime, squeeze and take the water.
2 Take 25 grains of black pepper and a little salt, mix and mash until smooth.
3 Then mix all ingredients, stir well and drink until they run out, morning and afternoon, evening penis ready for intercourse.

May be useful.

Foods For High Blood Pressure and Treatment

High blood pressure is generally much happen to people aged 40 years and over. Sufferers will feel tortured with blood tension high enough.


- The sufferer irritable.
- Eye dizzy.
- The body was trembling.
- Heart pounding, etc..

Treatments of normal blood pressure in order to:

- Take 3 cloves garlic, peeled and wash, and eat them raw, every morning and afternoon. In choosing garlic, try to choose the skin color is dark brown.
- Take a large star fruit and already matangm grated until smooth, then squeeze, drink every morning and afternoon.
- Take 5 kunit thumb-sized pieces, peel the skin and wash thoroughly, then shredded, squeeze, pour the juice of turmeric was with half glass of warm water, after a cold drink, morning and afternoon.
- Take noni leaves, flowers, stems and fruit, wash thoroughly, mix all the ingredients and mash until smooth, then pour a little warm water, squeeze and strain the water, then drink 2x a day.
- Take 1 kudu that had ripe fruit, wash them clean, grate and strain the water, drink in waking up in the morning, before eating anything, do it every day for at least 3 days.

May be useful.

Cause of Cholera and Treatment

Cholera caused by cholera bacillus Vibrio cholerae or called Vibrio Komma, so named because the shape is almost like the comma bacillus.

It is easily spread through the digestive tract, through food and drink. Flies are a major cause of cholera germs. Incubation period of the disease is approximately 1-5 ​​days.

- Watery bowel movements and frequent vomiting.
- Skin feels cold and wrinkled.
- The muscles feel stiff, especially on the back and Bertis.
- Face pale, sunken eyes and cheeks deflated.
- Nails, fingers, and lips slightly bluish color.
- Often feel thirsty.
- Urine bit.
- Body feels weak.

Care needs to be done at home:
- Place the patient in a separate place.
- Food should be given liquid food (porridge).
- Give warm drinks mixed with a little salt.
- If you eat fruit or vegetables, try fruits and vegetables are washed with hot water first.
- Heat the legs, abdomen and back with a hot bag, every 3 hours.
- All patients dirt should be cleaned with carbolic acid.

- Take a thumb-sized galangal, peeled and wash thoroughly, then grate, add 1 cup of water, squeeze and strain, drink 3 times a day.
- Take 3 pieces of lemon, take the water, put a few whiting, average sapai mix and apply to the entire body, morning and night.
- Take 1 young coconut fruit, cut the bottom and top as needed, give a little hole, heat over a fire until the coconut water to boil, when cool apply to the back and abdomen, 2x a day.
- Take about 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, mix with 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus oil and a few whiting, mix well and apply to the back and abdomen, 2x a day.

Hopefully helpful.

Adult Chicken Pox and Treatment

Chicken pox is a contagious disease, through the respirator. The cause of this disease is a virus. The period ranges from 10-17 days shoots.


- Initially a mild fever.

- Head feels pain, decreased appetite, frequent vomiting sometimes.

- Appears red blotches, initially in the chest, then spread to other body. Then it became clear, fluid-filled bubbles that eventually become pus.

Traditional treatments can be done at home:
- Try to drink made ​​from oranges and eating food liquid (slurry).

- Try not to scratch the itchy skin.

- Buy olive oil to rub on the itchy areas.

- Take 2 ripe noni fruit, wash and then grate, then squeeze and strain, drink 3 times a day.

- Take 4 thumb-sized turmeric, wash and then grate, add a little water, wring it out then apply to the body that itch, do morning and afternoon.

May be useful.

How to Stop Constipation

To overcome constipation, how very easy, can be done with traditional care at home.


- Take manioc or cassava, papaya, banana, soursop, cut into small pieces and mix it all together to be used as a compote, eat.

- Take a peeled potato skin, then peeled potato paste it on the waist and mouth rectum. Stick the potatoes until they change color.

- Take ginger, then grate, add a little water, acid and sugar to taste, drink 2x a day.

May be useful.

How Long Does Bronchitis Last and Treatment

Bronchitis diseases arise due to inflammation of the windpipe. Bronchitis there are 2 kinds, namely ordinary bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. Both of these diseases are infectious diseases classified. Sometimes bronchitis easily turn into pneumonia.


- Frequent coughing and is usually accompanied by thick mucus.

- Chest pain and hot <sometime in the thoracic spine.

- Breath hard and felt tight.

- Sometimes followed by a rise in body temperature.

Traditional treatments can be done at home:

- Avoid meats, spicy foods, fried foods, sweet foods and foods that contain lots of starch.

- Try as much as possible to eat fruit and vegetables.

- Take 2 flowers shoes, wash and then mash until smooth, add 1 cup of warm water and a little salt, squeeze and strain, drink 3 times a day.

- Capture birds usually perch on the buffalo's body, after which the bird burn everything, including the fur, feathers clean after itself (rather like charcoal or charred), the bird made ​​a side dish or eaten directly, because it feels too savory. Do it as often as possible

May be useful.

Bald Head

Hair is an important part of the crown and other body parts. Every person must have tried to care for her hair to look healthy and beautiful. But what happens if there is baldness? certainly will lose confidence.

To overcome baldness. there are some powerful traditional treatments can be done at home.


- Take 1/2 cup sesame oil, 1/2 cup coconut oil, hibiscus leaves 3 sheets, 1 sheet of pandan leaves, 2 canary seed grain, seven jasmine flowers and 1 rosebud.

- Boil in a pot with about 2 liters of water, put a small pot containing a coconut and sesame oil. Sliced ​​into small leaves and insert into the boiling pot, for 15 minutes, then remove and strain.

- Apply the oil that has been filtered to the entire scalp prmukaan loss and balding, after the massage section, do before bed. Wake up, wash the hair with shampoo.

Natural Ulcer Treatment

Boils are infections of the skin caused by a bacillus that enters the skin through the sebaceous glands, sweat glands, hair glands, which then cause inflammation terraced containing pus.


- Initially arising as pimples or small bumps that the longer growing, with a terrace lead in the middle.
- Skin so swollen and hard and slightly reddish in color.
- Feel the heat and pain

Traditional treatments can be done at home:
- Keep the patient avoid fatty foods, such as meat, shrimp and crab.

- Try to eat vegetables and fruits that contain lots of vitamin C, spinach, kale, papaya, guava, mango

- Take 3 betel leaves, milled into powder, apply on the affected part of ulcers, 3 times a day.

- Take 4 strands of amethyst leaves, finely minced, give whiting and a little water, mix well, apply on the affected part of ulcers, 3 times a day.

- Take 5 pieces of sweet potato leaves, finely minced, give a little water and salt, mix well, apply, 3x a day

- Take 10 strands of spinach, grind until smooth, add a little water and salt, mix well, apply, 3x a day.

- Take 6 pieces of leaf and 2 sprigs of hibiscus, wash thoroughly, mash until smooth, apply, 3x a day.

- Take a jackfruit tree sap is approximately 1/4 cup, mixed with a little vinegar, warm it over the fire, after it is enough heat, lift, and then cut the fabric into small pieces, dip them one by one piece of cloth, then put on the ulcers, 2x a day.

May be useful. 

Prickly Heat Rash Treatment

For those who have problems with prickly heat, would be very disturbing daily activities, especially excessive sweating in the armpits. Because in addition to causing bad odor, if left unchecked, prickly heat will cause inflammation of the skin which becomes the source of the excessive sweating. Usually if there is inflammation, the skin will be red, sting and a little heat.

To fix this, can be done with traditional treatments:

- Take approximately 5 liters of warm water, put it in a bucket
- Take half cup starch, dissolved in 1 cup of cold water, put it in a bowl and mix well
- Pour the warm water before, mix and stir until blended
- Take a clean towel, soak in warm water that has been mixed with starch before, then kompreskan on the armpit or inflamed.

Once it is started cold towel, soak a compress back and do it again. Do it every morning and evening, before bathing.

May be useful.

How To Get Rid of Scars

Someone who suffered scars will usually decrease confidence. The cause of these scars can be caused by barbagai things, such as itching carded, eventually leaving a scar.

The following natural treatments that can be done at home to get rid of scars:

- Rinse the scars with coconut water, then wash with warm water. Do it as often as possible until the scars disappear by itself.

- Take half coconuts, then burned to be like charcoal, then mash until smooth like powder. After that, mix with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, mix well, then apply on the wound quickly.

May be useful.
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