Chicken pox is a contagious disease, through the respirator. The cause of this disease is a virus. The period ranges from 10-17 days shoots.
- Initially a mild fever.
- Head feels pain, decreased appetite, frequent vomiting sometimes.
- Appears red blotches, initially in the chest, then spread to other body. Then it became clear, fluid-filled bubbles that eventually become pus.
Traditional treatments can be done at home:
- Try to drink made from oranges and eating food liquid (slurry).
- Try not to scratch the itchy skin.
- Buy olive oil to rub on the itchy areas.
- Take 2 ripe noni fruit, wash and then grate, then squeeze and strain, drink 3 times a day.
- Take 4 thumb-sized turmeric, wash and then grate, add a little water, wring it out then apply to the body that itch, do morning and afternoon.
May be useful.
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