Bronchitis diseases arise due to inflammation of the windpipe. Bronchitis there are 2 kinds, namely ordinary bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. Both of these diseases are infectious diseases classified. Sometimes bronchitis easily turn into pneumonia.
- Frequent coughing and is usually accompanied by thick mucus.
- Chest pain and hot <sometime in the thoracic spine.
- Breath hard and felt tight.
- Sometimes followed by a rise in body temperature.
Traditional treatments can be done at home:
- Avoid meats, spicy foods, fried foods, sweet foods and foods that contain lots of starch.
- Try as much as possible to eat fruit and vegetables.
- Take 2 flowers shoes, wash and then mash until smooth, add 1 cup of warm water and a little salt, squeeze and strain, drink 3 times a day.
- Capture birds usually perch on the buffalo's body, after which the bird burn everything, including the fur, feathers clean after itself (rather like charcoal or charred), the bird made a side dish or eaten directly, because it feels too savory. Do it as often as possible
May be useful.
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